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Reactions from the Film Industry

“Thanks for a great screening. It was a wonderful close to the festival. The film is life affirming, entertaining and beautiful to watch. You succeeded in telling an authentic story from an honest point of view that is not only respectful of Peruvian culture but is imbued in its spirit. Congratulations!”
- Marcela Goglio, Film Society of Lincoln Center
“I just wanted to say that I finally got a chance watch your film and was very impressed. I think the voice of the girl was just "street" and honest enough to make her both funny and extremely likable while still exploring a world that is so different from what we experience in the US. My only question is: "who is the father?" at the end! ”
- Kiara Doerr, editor
“Good evidence of Soy Andina's broad-based appeal -- immigrants and Peruvians identify more with Nelida, the immigrant; Americans more with Cynthia, the Peruvian-American. The audiencer was completely enchanted with being able to accompany these characters on their journey. So many seemed to be touched, as if remembering there own coming of age journey...congradulations, a very touching story. ”
- Edward Hermoza Kramer, producer
“Wonderfully uplifting...a great film ”
- Candace Schermerhorn, Santa Barbara International Film Festival
“It was so fun to see the cultural snapshots of Peru and its beautiful landscape. I wanna go! ”
- Michelle Coe, Women Make Movies
“A a lovely portrait documentary that people should see”
- Steven Hyde, producer, Shikashika
“Congrats on the broadcast! It really is fantastic how far you’ve brought this lil’ baby! ”
- Angela Martinez, producer
“Great Q&A on the Voces site! ”
- Gabriella Bohm
“The film was great, you made it! I cried twice in the film and got very moved by the comments of people. ”
- Fernanda Rossi, story consultant
“I really enjoyed it! The film and dance all made for a great screening event! ”
- Agnes Varnum, documentary film consultant
“I really liked it....both characters seemed larger than life, so much intensity and passion”
- Carlos Guitierrez, Cinema Tropical
“"this project will be of great interest to scholars and researchers." ”
- Roselly Torres, Latin American Video Archives
“Soy Andina is joyful and moving -- a true celebration of Peruvian culture through dance, captured on film! ”
- Charlotte Von Hemert, International Latino Film Festival
“What a satisfying end to many years of hard work. It was worth the wait. Anyone who has ever been curious about where their family came from, or who has had to leave their family to pursue opportunity, will relate to this film. Learning about Peruvian culture and dance was fascinating, and knowing these two amazing women has enriched my life. Congratulations on this great accomplishment.”
- Nancy Barber, Oscar-nominated editor
“I see it fills people with the joy of being alive – quite a gift for a film to be able to convey. Your film is going to put it's palm print on the face of the world.”
- Beret Strong, filmmaker
“Thanks so much for bringing your wonderful film to the Jacob Burns Center. A real glimpse into a life and culture we'd never be able to experience....”
- Lois Dino, Jacob Burns Film Center
“I really enjoyed your film because this a universal story of every migrant to a new country, and also of children of migrants who sometimes struggle to find their identities. I am Peruvian myself and know that SOY ANDINA is being shown in different parts of the country, so i congratulate you for telling Nelida's and Cynthia's story.”
- Lidia Luna, Sydney Latín American Film Festival
“I enjoyed it very much. I was carried by the music, the dancing and the characters....a work of love and it really shows!" ”
- Tamara Rosenberg, Wide Angle | WNET
“Wow, what an amazing piece you and your editor and team created - a lovely, beautiful, strong movie! Your characters - very strong, clear and likeable. The dancing!! The amazing people we meet along the way in the pueblos...exquisite editing.”
- Kathy Leichter, filmmaker
“Hi Mitch and Cynthia - thanks for such a great event and performance, you were fantastic! ”
- Rock Wheeler, National Geographic Live!
“A great film”
- Sylvia Perel, San Francisco Latin American Film Festival
“A masterpiece ”
- Reflets du Cinéma Ibérique et Latino-américain, France
“What a find! The magical expression of life, community, spirit, joy. ”
- Gerrie Zommerman, Culturewrap,org
“A truly inspiring and beautiful film. As a 2nd generation immigrant, I totally related to the quest to connect to roots,and and complexities of such a mission”
- Bryan Pu-Folkes, Jackson Heights Film Festival
“Your screening went over excellent. The film touched a chord with everyone present. ”
- Adrian Perez, Orlando Hispanic Film Festival

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