Journalist Marianne Lentz seeking New Yorkers to interview for their reflections on 9/11:Today's New York is full of people whose lives have been affected by the 9/11 attacks in one way or the other. Some have lost family members, others may have lost faith in justice in the world. Many have faced situations and choices they never would have anticipated, and nearly everyone has a personal story tied to the event that deprived New York of its innocence. How has 9/11 affected these young individuals and their view of the world? How do they remember the days that followed the attacks, to say nothing of the following years? How did they manage to move on with their lives?
Ideally, the interviews will be gathered in an interview book to come out in Denmark on September 11, 2011 - ten years after the attacks.
As to me, I was 21 years old and studying at Reinhardt College in Georgia when the planes hit the Twin Towers. I spent the following nine months studying in the US. In December 2001, I visited New York for the first time and experienced a city that was clearly marked the the event. Since then I have been back several times and over the years, my fascination and love for the city and its inhabitants have only grown more profound. Today, I am 30 and live in Copenhagen, Denmark where I work as a freelance journalist. This project is entirely my own idea and will only be published with my consent.
I am in town till December 1st and would love to hear from you or any of your friends, colleagues, relatives or other contacts, if you or they have a story that matches the above.
I look forward to hearing from you.
marilentz AT gmail Posted via email from Mitchell Teplitsky