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NELIDA: Thoughts on the Concurso, Update on the Bull…

It must be exciting for Cynthia to go to Piura for the contest. Concursos are good to see the variety of choreography and the large amount of dancers, but personally I was never attracted to participate in them, mainly because there are winners and losers like in a sport, and the winner is "the best" just in the eyes of few people who are the judges and may believe themselves to be the gurus. But also because in my opinion it distorts the meaning of dance as spiritual and ceremonial & transforms it into "I wanna be the champion," which I think is more an Occidental approach.



I just read your blog and I totally agree… concursos versus real life.  I was always a critic of them and I still am. I entered the contest to see what it would feel like inside. I knew that I wouldn´t win ...after all I only had two weeks training and didn´t have all the ´connections´I later learned help people win.  It was still an exciting thought because I wasn´t sure how my body and soul would react… would my performance quality get better? Could I fall in love with my partner in front of all those judges, could I emit my love for this dance (Tondero)without being totally nervous?  I though I could maybe prove something in a way. I wanted to dance with heart, not for the win. Well, after it was all done, I did learn that my technique struggled because i was so nervous and I wasnt used to that kind of pressure.... that competetive mentality isn´t really me. Its not me at all actually.....  I´m glad you agree.  I would rather dance Tondero sponateously with someone at a house party ....  Just wanted to share these thoughts!

Peace and love,


    –  (04/16  at  10:14 PM)

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