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NELIDA: Letter to Cynthia

Dear Cynthia:

I have to thank Mitch for sharing your feelings with me. Well, Lima can be tough. I like to mix my thoughts looking for explanations why many of the Limeños are the way they are (including the ones who were born in Lima as well as the ones living there for many years, the so-called Limeños, but Provincianos). I like to think that they are so grey as their climate because they were punished by the God Sun due to their lack of community, sharing & compassion; but also I like to think the other way around, that the mischievous God Sun "no le da la gana de resplandecer en Lima" is the reason why limenos are so grey.

But good news: Lima no es todo el Peru y no todos los peruanos somos Limeños o nos portamos igual.

I not only understand your frustratation, I completely relate to it - as you are the "cute gringa," I was "la serrana." Now you have a great picture why I am happy in New York. Although people may say that New York can be tough, I love it because I can be just "Nelida."


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