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Favorite books (and software) that help me make a film

No, I'm not talking about books that focus on making documentaries. (Though I've got a few, my favorite being Alan Rosenthal's).

I'm talking more universal topics - procrastination, avoidance and resistance. Know what I'm talking about? These are the two best books I've ever seen on the subject: Now Habit and War of Art. Do they help? I won't make cheap jokes about not getting around to reading them yet. 'Cause I have and yes, I'm working them a bit. Biggest revelation: my tendency to get so wrapped up in this work that I convince myself I don't have time to exercise or have fun. And how counter-productive that actually is.

On a more grounded plane - money and taxes. For four years, I've tried to figure out best way to keep track of money and tax stuff as an independent. I'm usually obsessively organized but never felt like I had a handle on this. Then stumbled upon June Walker and her new book Self-Employed Tax Solutions. Been looking for something like this for years.


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