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e-Newsletter Jan 2005: Editing in Peru

S O Y A N D E - N E W S

E-news about the documentary “Soy Andina”

A dazzling dance journey from New York to Peru


Jan 2005 Issue #15


“I’ve been trying to quench the need to find the part of me that I KNOW is buried in the mystery of these dances. It turned out to be harder than I thought. I’m not considered “Peruvian” here. I’m this “gringa” (ugh!) and sometimes not taken seriously...” - Cynthia in Lima, Dec 04

“I not only understand your frustration, I completely relate to it - as you are the “cute gringa,” I was “la serrana” (from the mountains). If I can survive Lima, girl, so can you.” - Nelida in New York, Dec 04

(Excerpts from the new blog. Find out what Cynthia decides to do, and Nelida’s Lima Survival Tips, at )


Vivimos en Australia, Brisbane y nos gustaria adquirir el DVD Soy Andina, vimos el clip de la marinera en chiclayo y nos encanto.  Favor informarnos como podemos hacer para adquirir este y el costo.  MIL GRACIAS!  Rossana Seminario

    –  (08/23  at  07:56 AM)

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